The purpose of this policy is to determine the principles regarding the compensation payments of Trasta ESG Danışmanlık A.Ş. (Trasta ESG).


Trasta ESG makes compensation payments to its employees on the basis of the provisions of the Labor Law No. 4857 in force, Article 14 of the repealed Labor Law No. 1475 and the provisions of the internal regulations and practices of Trasta ESG.

Severance Pay; The employment contract is terminated according to one of the situations requiring the payment of severance pay specified in the provisions of Article 14 of the Labor Law No. 1475, which was repealed by the Labor Law No. 4857, and the employees who have worked at Trasta ESG for at least one year or to their legal heirs in case of the employee’s death, calculated according to the employee’s service period in Trasta ESG. The provisions of the legislation are taken as basis for calculating the number of days based on severance pay to be paid to employees.

Notice Period and Fee; In cases where notice is required, it is calculated in accordance with Article 17 of the Labor Law No. 4857, taking into account the requirements of the legislation. In addition, the employment contract of the personnel can be terminated by paying the wages until the end of the notice period in cash. In cases where notice is granted, the personnel is allowed to look for a job. Changes in the regulations stipulated in the laws regarding severance pay and notice period are quickly complied with.


The Board of Directors is responsible for the implementation and up-to-date continuation of this Policy.


The policy enters into force following the approval of the Board of Directors.