The purpose of this policy is to reveal Trasta ESG Danışmanlık A.Ş.’s (Trasta ESG) perspective on human rights and its adherence to both national and universal regulations on this issue.
This policy covers all employees, intermediaries, acting employees, suppliers, contractors and co-workers (business partners), including the Board of Directors of Trasta ESG.
- Trasta ESG complies with all national and universal legal regulations on human rights and carries out all its activities in a way that respects people’s rights, honor and reputation
- As an institution that is aware of its responsibility towards environmental values and has published its sustainability policy, it believes in the necessity of leaving a livable world to future generations.
- It continuously improves the working environment to provide its employees with a safe, inclusive and diverse working environment. It is committed to complying with applicable labor and employment laws wherever it operates.
- Employees can benefit from flexible working conditions to the extent that the nature of their jobs allows.
- Trasta ESG implements competitive compensation and benefits strategies that are compatible with market conditions. It rewards objectively measurable, consistent high performance.
- It does not tolerate discrimination. It provides job opportunities to its employees and candidates on the basis of job requirements at all levels, regardless of language, religion, sect, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, social or personal status, health status, marital status, personal belief, dress, disability status, age or other characteristics protected by local legislation; It offers equal opportunities in recruitment, career management, education, personal development, family care, and re-entry into the workforce.
- It complies with the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) standards of non-discrimination, non-child labor and non-forced labor.
- As part of its stance against modern slavery, it also expects workers’ rights to be respected by its suppliers and business partners. It does not accept acts contrary to human rights such as forced or compulsory labor in its business partners as well as in the Company.
- It supports employees to ensure their health, safety and well-being. It keeps open the communication channels where the employee who is exposed to domestic violence can ask for support.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the implementation and up-to-date continuation of this Policy.
Trasta ESG employees (permanent, fixed-term or temporary) and managers are responsible for complying with this Policy and shaping and implementing their business practices and controls in line with the requirements of the Policy.
Trasta ESG employees also support Trasta ESG in the implementation of this policy and respect fundamental human rights. It never allows any physical, sexual and psychological harassment and violent behavior or threats. It takes all measures to protect the personal rights of employees. In case of encountering contrary attitudes and behaviors, it notifies the Company management through the communication channels specified in the Code of Ethics. The administration will investigate any violation. If it is determined to be true, the relevant disciplinary sanctions will be applied in accordance with the internal regulations and practices of Trasta ESG, regardless of the position or identity of the violator or violator within Trasta ESG and will not tolerate it under any circumstances.
Trasta ESG expects all business partners (service providers, contractors, consultants, contractors, etc.) to comply with this Policy and takes the necessary steps to do so.
It also collaborates with its customers and supports their compliance with these policies.
The policy enters into force following the approval of the Board of Directors.